+ Our Brochure



Scope of Proposed Project
Phase 1
Gaming vessel with a passenger capacity of
approximately 450-600 people to be moored in Gruz
Harbour and licensed for both in port and out of
port gaming.
Phase 2
Development of Gruz Harbour public facilities into
A multi-purpose port facility, enhancing passenger
shipping, international cruise vessels, and ferry
passenger traffic.
Phase 3
To reconfigure and expand the marine infrastructure
to accommodate up to three large international
cruise vessels.
Phase 4
Development of a multi-modal transportation center,
to include: commercial/retail amenities, a Vegas-type
casino, conference facilities, and related tourist venues

The planned
development included
a gaming vessel and
maritime facilities, port
buildings and related
infrastructure and a
port casino, hotel and
convention center.

Primary Role:
• Promoter/Marketing
Direction and


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